What are Bulk Earthworks?

Civil Construction - 06/11/2017

As a civil and earthmoving company, bulk earthworks make up a big part of our business. So, what exactly are bulk earthworks, and why is this work needed?

site excavation

We answer these questions and more, so you know exactly what to expect when you work with us to complete any earthmoving projects.

Bulk Earthworks

When we talk about bulk earthworks, we’re talking about removing, moving, or adding large quantities of soil and/or rock from one area to another. This is done to make a construction site a suitable level and height ready for project works to begin.

This process is usually performed in one of the following two ways:

  • Excavating the applicable section of land by cutting into it.
  • Constructing a new workable area, like an embankment. Earth-based materials will be added to the proposed construction site to make this possible.

Throughout this process, every care is taken to ensure we reuse as much of the excavated earth as possible. This not only prevents the costly collection of waste material, it also reduces the cost of purchasing and delivering extra earth materials when new construction areas need to be filled with extra dirt and rocks.

Luckily, there is computer software that can calculate how much earth will be removed/needed to fill a new site in advance, so we don’t need to hang onto or order any extra materials unnecessarily.

What Sort of Projects Require Bulk Earthworks?

Bulk earthworks are a necessary step in a number of civil construction projects, including:

  • New roads
  • Berms
  • Mines
  • Highways
  • Railways
  • Causeways
  • Levees
  • Dams
  • Canals
  • Trenches
  • Residential and commercial building projects

Can More Than One Type of Excavation be Used to Complete a Bulk Earthworks Project?

Excavations can be classified in a few different ways. The first classification is dependent on the type of material that’s being excavated and the second depends on the purpose of the excavation.

When the excavation is classified by the material type, correctly identifying the material is essential for keeping costs down and preventing any technical problems from occurring further down the track. There are four basic categories that can be used to determine what type of material excavators will be dealing with:

  • Loose, free-flowing soil or sand (Easy)
  • Gravel with clay (Medium)
  • Wet and heavy clay with broken rocks, gravel and even boulders (Medium to Hard)
  • Materials that require breaking down/blasting (Hard)

Excavations can also be classified by the type of topsoil, rock, earth or muck that needs to be dug out, as well as unclassified excavations where there is a mixture of earth-based materials present.

However, when classifying an excavation by its purpose, projects would be defined based on the end goal of the project works. For example, roadways, bridges or drainage.

At BWC Civil, we have all of the equipment and know-how to successfully execute the bulk earthworks component of your construction project. To learn more about our services, call us on (08) 6323 3540 or request a quote, today!

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